“If you think you can, or if you think you can’t — you’re right!” - Henry Ford


Little CANDO, the CANDO spirit in us all


The CANDO Project is a story we all write together.

This is a story free from the things that tend to separate us — political views, religious affiliations, racial or gender differences.

This is a story about a planet that is tired of war, anxiety, and un-working strategies – and about all the good people here ready to transform the current energy into an energy of love, healing, and teamwork – creating and implementing humanitarian and environmental endeavors, coming together in a massive and agreeable way.

There are many great people and organizations doing amazing work – but can you imagine the impact we would have if we all combined?

Can you imagine a world where the main collective focus of the people on the planet is to expand and elevate our consciousness to a level of our true higher potential?

A paradigm shift so strong and focused that suffering transforms into peace and joy?

A world where we are all working together in loving co-creation?

OF COURSE we can change the world!

There has never before been a better time to create a shift in this direction.


This is entirely possible with a working vehicle, enough hands on deck, and collective focus and awareness.

The first thing to become aware of is the “programming” on our planet – thoughts and ideas and visuals and dialogues that come to us regularly via multi-media avenues- news reports, film content, written word, etc.

These avenues, which are fed to us on the regular, are SO OFTEN ridden with intensely negative programming and horror filled messaging – bad news in bold headlines repeated over and over again – graphic violent images widely available to us and our children and their impressionable minds through movies, television shows, video games, broadcasts, and more…

This is all consciously and subconsciously contributing to the current mindset in ways that play out in terrors such as war and murder and disconnection with each other. The media, along with today’s amazing technological capabilities, are tools that can be used for such great good, if only we would begin to not tolerate the negative, and instead, accentuate the positive.


The CANDO Project is years in the making

A project thoughtfully designed to shift the consciousness on the planet, on a global scale and in a responsible way, building positive character values, attitudes, and communications, and promoting love and connection via the use of intention, education, media, and multimedia products.


We are dedicated to:


So where do we begin?

Hop aboard the Sunshine Train, (following this “train of thought”) and let’s take a ride into Constellation CANDO.