CANDO Curriculum Documents
The CANDO Curriculum™
The CANDO Curriculum™ is a strategy for developing positive character traits and accessing powerful innate resources that often lie dormant.
Wise Old Sayings
Let’s consider for a moment the incomparable lessons of wise old sayings that have withstood the test of time, as being the best simple messages.
Blooms Taxonomy
Our Questioning & Discussion Strategies are based upon Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Cognitive and Affective Domains), an educational criteria to stimulate higher level thinking skills. Objectives range from Lowest to Highest levels.
CANDO Character Edutainment Model
The CANDO Character Edutainment Model is timely, answering the plea that “something must be done” to stem the tide of violence and moral decline in our society and build toward a positive future.
What is Character Education?
Character education is based on the idea of teaching and strengthening good core values such as responsibility, respect, empathy, integrity, compassion.
Teaching the Internalization of Positive Character Traits
Character traits are not innate. They must be acquired through teaching and practice in the home and in the schools.